
Quiz answers

22-Dec-2022 Theme: 'Christmas Cracker jokes'

(1) What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?

Answer: The same middle name.

(2) What do you call a magician who has lost their magic?

Answer: Ian.

(3) Why do Norwegian, Danish and Swedish warships have barcodes on their bows?

Answer: So port authorities can Scandinavian.

(4) What’s E.T. short for?

Answer: He’s only got little legs.

(5) What did the skeleton say to the bar-tender?

Answer: I’ll have a beer … and a mop.

(6) What kind of music do wind turbines like?

Answer: They are heavy metal fans.

(7) What does a tapeworm and Notre Dame have in common?

Answer: They are both Paris sites.

(8) What does a pirate say on their 80th birthday?

Answer: “Aye, matey”

(9) What’s red and bad for your teeth?

Answer: A brick.

(10) What did the buffalo say when its son left?

Answer: Bison.

(11) Merry Christmas all - and farewell. The Quiz Master is taking a break, so this will be the last weekly Quiz. We hope you have enjoyed the Quizzes.

