(1) How many sub-species of galah are usually recognised?
Answer: Three (Western Australian form, Eolophus roseicapilla roseicapilla, South-eastern form, Eolophus roseicapilla albiceps, Northern form Eolophus roseicapilla kuhli).
(2) Where in Australia was the former township of Galah? (bonus: What town on the Castlereagh River takes its name from the Wiradjuri term for “place of galahs”)
Answer: Victoria (Mallee region - between Walpeup and Ouyen, south of Mildura). Bonus: Gulargambone, NSW.
(3) What is the simplest way to tell the sexes apart in galahs?
Answer: The eyes (females have pinkish-red eyes, males have dark brown eyes).
(4) Collected in 1801, where is the holotype specimen of the galah currently held?
Answer: Paris (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle du Paris - Baudin Expedition collection).
(5) Where would you find The Big Galah?
Answer: Kimba, South Australia.