
Quiz answers

01-Apr-2021 Theme: 'April foolery'

(1) On 1 April, 1957 the BBC’s Panorama program broadcast a now-famous ‘documentary’ featuring the harvest of what tree fruit?

Answer: Spaghetti.

(2) On 1 April, 1975 what memorable prank involved the ABC TV program This Day Tonight, the Adelaide Town Hall and SA Deputy Premier Des Corcoran?

Answer: Announcement that Australia was converting to ‘metric time’.

(3) On 1 April, 1978 what prank did Australian businessman Dick Smith play on the city of Sydney?

Answer: Towed a fake iceberg into Sydney Harbour.

(4) On 1 April, 2003, the Sydney Morning Herald published a review of a new restaurant, called Species, which supposedly featured what on its menu?

Answer: Endangered species.

(5) On 1 April, 2013 South Australia’s Monarto Zoo announced the birth of what strange animal?

Answer: A zebracorn (zebra with a unicorn horn).
