(1) Which of the following is not an Australian native species: (a) Brown quail (Coturnix ypsilophora) (b) Gambel’s quail (Callipepla gambelii) (c) King quail (Coturnix chinensis victoriae) (d) Stubble quail (Coturnix pectoralis).
Answer: (b) Gambel’s quail (native to California).
(2) What is the collective noun for a group of quails?
Answer: Bevy (‘covey’ or ‘quail’ also accepted).
(3) What does it mean “to quail”?
Answer: To be very afraid, to the point of trembling.
(4) Dan Quayle was Vice President to which US President?
Answer: George HW Bush.
(5) What is a baby quail called?
Answer: A chick.