(1) Brachychiton populneus is an Australian native tree with distinctive, canoe-shaped pods filled with orange, hairy seeds. What is its common name?
Answer: Kurrajong.
(2) What movie does this line come from: “Open the pod bay doors please Hal” (bonuses: what is the name of the character and actor who says it – one point each).
Answer: 2001: A Space Odyssey (bonuses: Dave Bowman, played by Keir Dullea).
(3) Cardamine hirsuta (bittercress) is a small, exotic weed which infests nursery pots. It has white flowers and long, thin pods. How does it spread its seed?
Answer: Exploding pods.
(4) Pod Clock is a character in which children’s fantasy novel?
Answer: The Borrowers.
(5) The term ‘podcasting’ was coined by British journalist Ben Hammersley in what year?
Answer: 2004.