

Postgraduate opportunity (PhD or Masters): Traditional Owner-led Restoration of Urban Billabongs


University of Melbourne



Are you passionate about the role of First Nations people in land and water management? Are you interested in the ecology and restoration of wetland ecosystems? This just might be the opportunity for you!

The Waterway Ecosystem Research Group and Palynology Research Group (PRG) at the University of Melbourne is working with Wurundjeri Corporation’s Narrap (Environmental) Team and Melbourne Water (with funding from the Australian Research Council) to better manage urban billabongs along the lower Birrarung (Yarra River).

A postgraduate position is available (either PhD or Masters) focussing on wetland vegetation, faunal and water quality responses to cultural fire and flooding. The project will be supervised by Dr Joe Greet and Prof Michael-Shawn Fletcher and work closely with Wurundjeri Corporation’s Narrap Rangers and Melbourne Water in conducting field studies, laboratory analyses and reporting.

To be suitable for this opportunity, you will have a background in ecology/environmental science and be eager to work on applied research in collaboration with Traditional Owners and industry partners. In the case of the PhD position, you will be required to successfully apply for a suitable postgraduate scholarship, and if successful $10K additional top-up funding is available.

The position is open to Australian residents. Non-residents may be considered if their academic track-record would qualify them for an international scholarship (note: these are very competitive). Indigenous Australian applicants are strongly encouraged to apply.


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