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Extension & Engagement Coordinator


DAF - Biosecurity Queensland


Location flexible throughout South-East Queensland

Salary etc:

$114,625 - $122,400 p.a.



Coordinate Queensland's Varroa Development Officer program, which engages commercial and recreational beekeepers to improve hive health.

We are looking for an Extension and Engagement Co-ordinator to join the Varroa Mite Innovation and Resilience Initiative to:

  • Coordinate Queensland's Varroa Development Officer work program, which engages commercial and recreational beekeepers to improve hive health monitoring and manage Varroa mite.
  • Provide effective and efficient delivery, and reporting requirements, of Varroa mite capability uplift activities that form part of the National Varroa Mite Response Plan V4.
  • Operate within the National Varroa mite Response Plan and is subject to its structure and reporting. This role has a dual reporting relationship to National Varro mite coordinator and to the Manager Varroa Mite Innovation and Resilience Initiative.

The Varroa mite Extension and Engagement Coordinator operates within the National Varroa mite Response Plan and is subject to its structure and reporting.

This role has a dual reporting relationship to National Varroa mite coordinator and to the Manager VMPPP.

The role is to be responsible for all aspects of project management to achieve Queensland's outcomes in the National Varroa Transition to Management (T2M) Plan, which relates to building industry resilience through beekeeper education and engagement. You will coordinate Queensland's Varroa Development Officer work program, which engages commercial and recreational beekeepers to improve hive health monitoring and manage Varroa mite.

Just imagine what you could achieve with us.


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