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003 Rangers (4 positions)


Queensland Parks & Wildlife Service & Partnerships


K'gari (Fraser Island), Rainbow Beach & Tewantin, Queensland

Salary etc:

$63,937 - $67,918 p.a. (OO3). Permanent, Full-time.



A Ranger’s daily work is anything but routine. Each day brings new challenges influenced by the weather and unpredictable events. You might find yourself patrolling parks, maintaining facilities, or interacting with visitors one day. The next, you could be helping preserve heritage sites or focusing on conservation efforts through activities like controlled burns or managing invasive species. Embrace the excitement and variety that comes with being a Queensland Park Ranger.

We’re looking to add to our team of rangers in leading the management of the Great Sandy National Park and World Heritage Area. Simply submit your resume and complete the questionnaire to be a part of the process!!

We're looking to add to our team of rangers in leading the management of the Great Sandy National Park and World Heritage Area. 003 Ranger roles involve a range of operational duties in K'gari Section (Fraser Island) and Cooloola Section (Rainbow Beach, and Tewantin) of Great Sandy National Park, focusing on:

Conservation and protection

  • Rangers participate in flora and fauna conservation initiatives, and efforts to protect endangered species.
  • Rangers monitor wildlife populations, conduct research, and implement conservation strategies.
  • Rangers enforce compliance with regulations and laws within protected areas, preventing illegal activities that could harm the environment.

Visitor assistance

  • Offer information on recreational opportunities, safety guidelines, and camping regulations.
  • Assist visitors in planning activities for a positive and safe experience.

Natural resource management

  • Rangers manage invasive species, preventing habitat degradation and promoting sustainable vegetation practices.
  • Rangers participate in planned burn programs to manage vegetation and reduce fire risks, as well as assist with wildfire response.
  • They also participate in feral animal and weed control programs to preserve natural resources.

Infrastructure maintenance

  • Oversee maintenance, and repair, of park facilities, tracks, roads, camping sites, toilets, signs, fences and other infrastructure to provide a safe and well-maintained environment.

Public safety and emergency response

  • Rangers enforce park regulations to protect park resources and ensure visitor safety.
  • Rangers respond to natural disasters, assist with search and rescue operations, and collaborate with law enforcement agencies when necessary.

Education and interpretation

  • Terrestrial Rangers provide educational programs, lead guided tours and interpretive services to enhance visitor understanding of natural and cultural features, whilst fostering environmental awareness.

Location and Accommodation:

  • Positions vary between K'gari (Fraser Island) - with shared accommodation provided, and
  • Cooloola - based in Rainbow Beach and Tewantin.
  • Rostered work including weekends, holidays, and occasional travel with overnight stays.

These positions are ideal for individuals who enjoy working outdoors, possess strong teamwork skills, and are flexible to work across different locations and times, including holidays and weekends.

Applications to remain current for 12 months.


Date published:


Closing date:
